1911 Chicago
1986 Dorothy (New Jersey)

Gerald Coarding was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1911 and 
studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. After his military
service in World War II he lived some years in Paris.
Until 1946 he worked as a commercial artist. After 1946  
he started painting on a non-commercial 
basis. He made several important paintings there. In 1947 he 
had his first major exhibition at the Art Institute in 
Chicago and the Whitney in 1955. Around this time, he also 
exhibited at the Janet Fleischer Gallery in Philadelphia.
He worked at Chase Manhattan Bank in New York City when
a painting was selected (without him knowing)by David 
Rockefeller (President of the Bank) for the permanent 
collection of the bank. The selection committee 
included Alfredd Barr, Dorothy Miller, James Sweeney, 
Per Rathbone and Robert Hale.
In New York he had lessons from Hans Hoffman and later 
in Paris from Fernand Leger. He also studied at  
the Art Academy in Naples.

Gerald Coarding Foundation